Colourful creative exhibition at village school

Posted by: Belinda Hargreaves

Mon 4th December 2023

Children at a school in Derbyshire have been celebrating the life and work of an artist.
Jean-Michel Basquiat’s work was the focus for a creative exhibition at Stonebroom Primary School recently.
Art coordinator at the school, Angela Walton, told the Spirit of Alfreton: “On Thursday, November 30, Stonebroom Primary and Nursery School opened their doors to celebrate the life and work of the artist Jean-Michel Basquiat.
“This event was the first of its kind and was a roaring success as children and their families turned out in great numbers to support the school.
“The event came about after two art mornings in nursery, all the way through to year 6.”

Angela continued: “Their work was of such a high standard, we felt the need to showcase it.
“From identifying the art work, engaging in interactive activities, everyone became emersed in the experience.
“The event concluded with a free prize draw where three lucky winners received art sets, kindly donated by the Friends of Stonebroom group.
“A great time was had and will be proudly remembered by all involved.”

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