Could you take the call in a police control room?

Posted by: Belinda Hargreaves

Tue 7th May 2024

Derbyshire Constabulary are currently recruiting for new members of staff in their police control room.
A spokesman for the force said: “When you pick up the phone – or contact us online – you go straight to the heart of Derbyshire Constabulary, where our trained police staff and officers are ready to help.
“And whilst you might be scared, distressed or panicked… we’re the opposite. We’re listening and reassuring. We’re asking questions to get the details we need to decide how to respond.
“Our Force Control Room is staffed with people from all walks of life, dedicated to helping those in need. It doesn’t matter if it’s 101, 999, or online, we’re the humans at the other end, ready to assist.
“Our contact handlers are resilient, compassionate and assertive problem solvers.”
They continued: “Missing people, road traffic collisions, or concern for another person’s welfare. Crimes happening now or that have already happened. Whatever it is, we’ll deal with it. We stay calm under pressure, we’re resilient and focused.
“Could you take the call? We’re currently recruiting contact management operators to work in our control room.
“You’ll have the opportunity to make a difference when it truly matters.”
To apply for this job go to here

To keep up to date with local policing go to here

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