“Challenges Accepted!” at town’s leisure centre

Posted by: Belinda Hargreaves

Tue 26th March 2024

A number of leisure centre users in Derbyshire have accepted challenges to improve their health and well-being.
Alfreton Leisure Centre often highlights members who have accepted such challenges.
Here are just a few of those who have recently said: “Challenge accepted!” and what staff at the centre have said about them.

“Aaron is one of our Placemakers at Alfreton Leisure Centre. He was a regular gym goer but after a run of misfortunes Aaron’s confidence and motivation had taken a knock, however he has now challenged himself to get back into the gym regular and get fitter and healthier by the summertime.
We’re sure this is a challenge he will smash, no problem.”

“Have you met Dawn? She’s one of our Challenge Accepted winners.
“After multiple injuries from a gymnastics competition, Dawn’s goal is to progress her recovery, improve her mobility, and boost her strength, so she’s using her annual Premium membership to get her going.”
To read Dawn’s full story go to https://brnw.ch/21wHVyw

“Back in January our very own Julie challenged herself to swim one mile in the pool after years of avoiding swimming.
“That is a challenge she absolutely smashed; so she decided to up the ante and challenge herself to swim 100 lengths, again a challenge she has smashed out of the park.
“We’re looking forward to hearing about your next challenge Julie, just keep swimming.”

“Justine’s challenge is to reach a 55kg Bench press. She’s loving her fitness journey and all the friends she’s made a long the way.”

“Here we have our very own lifeguard Kieran who has challenged himself to walk 100 miles during the month of March.
“Kieran has had a good start and is currently approaching the 20 mile mark.
“Drop him a comment or a like (on our Facebook page) to encourage him in the rest of his challenge, though I am sure he will smash it.”

“Stephen’s challenge is simply to keep showing up and doing is thing, with life being so busy he considers it a win just stepping foot in the gym.”

To find out more about what’s on offer at Alfreton Leisure Centre go to here

Have you got a story to tell?
Email our Editor Belinda at editor@spiritof.uk, or upload your story direct to our website here